Separated at birth? (this is an expression I invented, to describe two unrelated people who look similar)
Because I am unfamiliar with the actor who played Mackenzie, and because apparently I can't tell white people apart, I sat there the entire time sort of wondering, "Is that M. Ward?" For those who don't know, M. Ward is the singer-songwriter dude that works with with Zooey Deschanel pretty frequently. I thought maybe it was like, one of those fun Hollywood inside-joke things where they get their friends to be in their movies or something. The only way I can tell who is who in the above image is because you can kind of see the microphone, and you can tell from the nature of the left photograph that it's a sort of pretentious musician photo.
But seriously, Google image them. They look pretty much the same.
Anyway, that guy was funny. I liked him. I wish he was my friend.