Monday, January 25, 2010

i penis huckabees

Until very recently, my sister Trudy did not know that when people typed less-than symbol with a 3, it was supposed to be a heart (I would type it out but the HTML apparently won't recognise it, which is really annoying). In fact, she was under the impression that less-than-3 was meant to be a penis and set of balls. Here are some choice Trudy quotations from a recent chat with her in which we discussed this misunderstanding:

"why the hell is everyone doing these penises ???"
"i REALLY thought it was a penis...doesn't it look like one ? like w balls"
"i was like, 'jeez people are getting really vulgar nowadays'"

Oh, Trudy. <3
(it works here for some reason)

Friday, January 15, 2010

I think I've maybe watched the Jimmy Kimmel show a grand total of 0.02 times. He might be really funny, I have no idea, but I've just never paid that much attention to his show.
That being said, the following clip makes my heart all warm and stuff.

Friday, January 8, 2010

I start school next week. What I don't like about my schedule is that I start at 8 on Wednesdays and Thursdays. HOWEVER, I really do like my schedule because I finish at 10:45 a.m. on Thursdays, and have Fridays off. Pretty sweet weekend deal.

I think my brain is getting stupid. Lately I find myself making bizarre typing errors. I'll start typing the word "notice" with a K and realise that that's completely wrong. This seems minor but I've been knoticing it more and more lately.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


I like this song because it is friendly. Also it kind of makes me think of Lenny for some reason, ha ha ha