Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bus Moron

This morning on the bus, there was a moron.
I think he fancied himself very eloquent and far more intelligent than he really was, which is basically one of the worst types of morons. The more I heard him spewing to his female companion, the more I wanted one of us to die. Among numerous other things I wish I could purge from my brain, I learned that his name was Trevor. He was skinny with glasses, spikey blonde hair, and big teeth. Here are some choice quotes from this bus ride.

"I hate Jehovah's Witnesses. I like to talk to them in different accents to mess with them. I love having fun with people!"
-Trevor the Moron

"You know that song, 'And All That Jazz'? I rewrote my own lyrics to that. I'm so vocal. The way I talk, you'd probably think I was one of those people who'd start a revolution."
-Trevor the Moron

"Well, I'm a guy. So lesbians don't really bother me as much as gay men."
-Trevor the Moron

I started watching this on YouTube last night. I don't even know what it is, but it's kinda creepy. I thought it didn't bother me but then I had nightmares for the first time in I don't know how long. The content of the nightmares were unrelated, but it was upsetting. I hate waking up from a nightmare and finding out you haven't really woken up yet.


  1. hey that's me! I HATE YOU OWEN!

    i'm going to make out with my lady, audrey, now. i'd be pretty down is she was a lez

    i did not click on youtube
