Monday, November 2, 2009

Serial Testickicker in Langley, BC

I just read an article about this 22 year old guy in BC who was randomly kicked by a strange woman.
In the balls.
Really hard.
So hard that, afterwards, he realised that one of his balls was MISSING.

According to the article, the doctors first thought that his ball had gone up INSIDE HIM from the sheer force of the kick, which is fucking brutal already. They later discovered that it had, in fact, RUPTURED. OH GOD.
Apparently there have been several similar incidents in recent weeks, and police are investigating.

I wonder if hero cops are arguing about this.
"I'M heading the Serial Ballkicker case, NOT YOU, MURPHY."


  1. NOT YOU, MURPHY! haha awesome

    i almost did that to mark, but only jokingly but i shall have to be more careful.

  2. he told me about some upcoming shows he had, as well as "Thanks for being so encouraging. Hearing positive comments from people like you is always very motivating."

    gush gush gush

  3. you are completely right, oh when

    dancing too fuckin hard once in awhile rules
