Saturday, February 21, 2009

Rickroll Avenue

Oh, hi guys!

When I'm on the bus and the lady computer voice announces the stops, I frequently hear them wrong. And I mean ridiculously wrong. The other day, I thought I heard "Rickroll Avenue." I looked up at the sign and it read "Britwell Avenue." NICELY DONE, OWEN.

My house is currently empty. It makes me want to order awesome food and enjoy it ALL BY MYSELF. Because this is how I combat loneliness: food and porn. But never together, I think that's weird.

Darren was amazing last night. If you didn't see it, that's actually a real genuine tragedy. I got like seven boners in twenty seconds. Srsly.


  1. i got something to put in you

  2. Darren is always amazing. What went down last night?

  3. dude, you get 7 boners in twenty seconds even when i'm just standing there.
