Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Blog for the hell of it.

Has it been a week already? Damn. I thought I was doing so well with this blog. I have nothing entertaining to talk about. I was thinking, What did I do today? And immediately, my instinct was to complain about the fucking TTC, because it sucked so bad today. Boring. I saw the Wrestler today. It was good but anybody who has watched five minutes of TV in the last two months could probably tell you that.

Sometimes I smell my own hair. Freshly washed, greasy as hell, whatever. Having long hair enables me to do this, so I do it. I like doing it.

I finally got some Nutella; May strongly suggested that I try it a long time ago. This morning I had it on some toast. I don't know if that's how you're supposed to do it but that's what the picture on the jar appears to be of, so that's what I did. I liked it. Sweet. Smooth. Less spreadable than I had thought it would be.

Let's move right along so that Darren doesn't say anything vulgar about that last bit.

There are a lot of presentations I have to do for school. I think almost every class has a presentation. I hate presentations. They make me nervous and shakey, more so. I may have wrote about this already, I don't remember. Somebody did a presentation on Asperger's syndrome today. It made me wish that I had some kind of diagnosable problem so that I could blame my shortcomings on something besides just being a lame guy.

I think I'm done for now.

Watch your dick,



  1. I smell my hair too!

    I only got Nutella recently after May demonstrated its greatness in the form of a cake

    More like unlame, guy

  2. it was probably cold nutella. I also suggest it on cookies and on...a spoon in the middle of the night when you're craving something yum.

  3. I like how May said yum. I would too if I had friggin awesome roomies

  4. to be honest, i'm doing so well with my new years resolution, i didn't even think of saying anything until you mentioned it. i'm sad that i'm losing my touch but proud at the same time.

    ass burgers. i'd say i have ass burgers anyway just to get away with being lame.
