Thursday, January 22, 2009

I Am Procrastinating.

I have a stupid assignment due tomorrow. It is a report on the A/V equipment available at school. It is worth zero percent of final grade. This alone makes me not want to do it, but douchey course instructor insists we should.
I was exempted from taking English, which is awesome. Glad to have less stupid shit on my course load.

Nephew Dorian is funny. He laughs any time we say the word "uncle" in my grandma's crazy grandma dialect. He is slowly learning to respond appropriately when we say, "Gimme five, Dorian!"

This girl who is in all of my classes is my friend now because she started talking to me on the bus, and she talks a lot, which is good because I don't know how to talk a lot like she does. She talks at high speeds about friends and family, and it's literally impossible for me to keep track of who is who because there are so many people in her life that she tells me about, but the stories are mostly at least mildly entertaining. Much of the time, I don't know how to respond properly in a conversational way, so I just smile or laugh a little. My face starts to hurt from artificial-smiling too much after a while. Social interaction and I are not the best of friends.

Trudy was pinching my elbow with a hairclip. She said "Doesn't that hurt?"
I said, "No, it's annoying."
Then she said, "No. You know what's annoying?"

Then, slowly, calmly, she put the hairclip on, and stood up.

"SNAP ATTACK!" She then commenced waving her hands around my face, snapping her fingers over and over again. I like that motherhood has not yet demanded that she mature too much.

I meant to start this stupid assignment an hour ago. Fawwwk.